Moving your repository from Gitlab to GitHub

Jurin Liyun
3 min readFeb 16, 2023


Photo by Praveen Thirumurugan/

Gitlab repository is one of the best source code repositories management. But recently, Gitlab has changed its policy that relates to the number of users within the repository namespace. They only allow for 5 people within the namespace. For that reason, we decided to move all our repositories in GitHub.

Here is the step on how you move your repositories into Github.

  1. You must create an account in Github.
  2. Create an organization in Github. Go to organizations and click on New Organization
Organization List
Create new orgranization.
Give the inputs accordingly.

3. Create teams in Github. After the step 2 completed, go to your organization page and create team.

Set the inputs accordingly.
Team created successfully.

Now its time to import the repositories.

4. Import repositories. Go to your account, and click import respository

Click the import repository
Set the inputs accordingly

After clicking the begin import button, you will be redirected to verify the process.

The login and the private access token is the same with your Github account.

5. Invite your team members. Now you can invite your team members to collaborate with each other.

6. Assign repositories to a team. Before you can callaborate in the repository you are importing with, you should assign the repository to a team.

Assign repository to teams

7. Change your origin/upstream url pointing to Github

# remove old origin and add new origin url pointed to github
$ git remote remove origin

$ git remote add origin

And you all sets.

Thank you for reading.



Jurin Liyun

Developer, Trainer , Consultant, Father of two children